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The ROMANS ROAD in Español

El Camino de Romanos

Romanos 3:23  pues todos han pecado y están privados de la gloria de Dios, 

Romanos 6:23   Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, mientras que la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor. 

Romanos 5:8     Pero Dios demuestra su amor por nosotros en esto: en que cuando todavía éramos pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros. 

Romanos 10:13  porque "todo el que invoque el nombre del Señor será salvo". 

Romanos 10:9   que si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor, y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo. 

Romanos 10:10          Porque con el corazón se cree para ser justificado, pero con la boca se confiesa para ser salvo. 

Apocalipsis 3:20   Mira que estoy a la puerta y llamo. Si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo. 

Juan 1:12    Mas a cuantos lo recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les dio el derecho de ser hijos de Dios. 


Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 

Romanos 3:23  pues todos han pecado y están privados de la gloria de Dios, 

We all have sin in our hearts. We all were born with sin.  We were born under the power of sin's control. Admit that you are a sinner.


Romans 6:23a "...The wages of sin is death..." 

Romanos 6:23   Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, 

Sin has an ending. It results in death. We all face physical death, which is a result of sin. 

But a worse death is spiritual death that alienates us from God, and will last for all eternity. 

The Bible does plainly teach that there is a place called the Lake of Fire where lost people will be in torment forever. 

It is the place where people end up that remain spiritually dead. 

Understand that you deserve death for your sin.


Romans 6:23b "...But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." 

Romanos 6:23   mientras que la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor. 

 Salvation is a free gift from God to you!   We can't earn this gift, but we must reach out and receive it.

Ask God to forgive you and save you.


Romans 5:8 "God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us!"  

Romanos 5:8     Pero Dios demuestra su amor por nosotros en esto: en que cuando todavía éramos pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros. 

When Jesus died on the cross He paid sin's penalty.  He paid the cosmic price for all sin, and when He took all the sins of the world on Himself on the cross, He bought us out of slavery to sin and death!   The only condition is that we believe in Him and what He has done for us, understanding that we are now joined with Him, and that He is our life. 

Because He loved us and gave Himself for us! 

     Give your life to God... His love poured out in Jesus on the cross is your only hope to have forgiveness and change. His love bought you out of being a slave to sin. His love is what saves you. Not religion, or church membership. God loves you! And reaches you right where you are.

Romans 10:13 "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved!"

Romanos 10:13  porque "todo el que invoque el nombre del Señor será salvo". 

Call out to God in the name of Jesus!  


Romans 10:9,10 "...If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."  

Romanos 10:9,10   que si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor, y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo. Porque con el corazón se cree para ser justificado, pero con la boca se confiesa para ser salvo. 

If you know that God is knocking on your heart door,  

ask Him to come into your heart.


Jesus said, Revelation 3:20a "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him..." 

Apocalipsis 3:20   Mira que estoy a la puerta y llamo. Si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo. 

Is Jesus knocking on your heart's door?

Believe in Him.  Ask Him to come in to your heart by faith, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Open the bible to the gospel of John and read what God says about Jesus, about you, and about being born again. God will help you.  Just talk to Him.  He loves you. 

  You need to look for a local church where God's Word is preached. The bible says that we are to desire God's Word like a newborn baby desires mother's milk.  Aren't you hungry to know the truth?

          Water baptism is one of the ways you first show that you have been joined to Jesus. The symbolism is this: When you go down in the water you show that you have been crucified and buried with Him, And when you come up out of the water you show that you have been raised to walk with Him in newness of life.   (See Romans chapter 6)

          You have been born again.   (See John chapter 3)  Your body has become God's temple.  Your heart is where He lives.  Forgiveness is yours in Jesus.  And you belong to Him.  You were sin's slave.   But now...You are a child of GOD!


John 1:12 "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, 

even to those who believe in His Name!"

Juan 1:12    Mas a cuantos lo recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les dio el derecho de ser hijos de Dios. 

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"Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved." "Todo aquel que invoque el nombre del Señor sera salvo." - Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13, Romanos 10:13

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